Skills Champion Engages Teachers at Festival of Education
Skills Champion Darren Lewis spoke at the Festival of Education to showcase his success since WorldSkills London 2011
Wednesday, 07 Sep 2016
Skills Champion Darren Lewis spoke alongside Ben Blackledge, Director of Education & Skills Competitions at WorldSkills UK, at the Festival of Education in June 2016.
The event was hosted at Wellington College in Berkshire and had around 3000 visitors across the two days. Ben and Darren had 45 minutes to present to an audience of professionals in the education sector. Darren shared his experiences as a member of Team UK in World Skills London 2011 in Mobile Robotics and explained the challenges he faced while preparing for the competition simultaneously with the final year of his degree, something many competitors can relate to.
Darren sharing these examples really helped to convey to the audience his enthusiasm for the importance of engaging students in relevant activities outside of their studies. Darren said about the event:
“The talk was well received leaving the audience well informed as to how the competition can benefit the development of competitors and help them progress into their preferred career path. The talk also gave me an opportunity to promote any of my current activities since World Skills 2011, I spoke about my current job in Research and Design at Dyson and about the “SI Unit Playing cards” which are an Engineering revision guide that I designed and are on sale on Amazon.”